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Sierra Encore Duet Implementation Plan

Broward College's next generation library services platform

Questions posted to discussion groups / working groups / local


  1. BRANDING QUESTION - what will we call it?  TBD... FALSC is developing branding around "OAK" - Online Access to Knowledge - but we do not have to use it.
  2. Does  Bookings Module allow for room reservations? YES If so, do we want to use it? TBD
  3. What user ID to use for checking items out for book displays? We don't want overdues, lost statuses, etc.(Michelle 2/1/17)
  4. Can we return books that belong to another library (other than FAU books)? (Hebah 2/22/17)
  5. Can we make Sierra fulfill the hold automatically? By doing that, Sierra will contact the patron to pick up the book at the circulation desk has or reserved. (Hebah 2/22/17)
  6. As hardware preparation, should we get a special printer to print receipt? We are receiving FAU books at our library, and patrons are asking for approve of return or a receipt. (Hebah 2/22/17)
  7. Have Sierra send an email to patrons for courtesy, overdue and lost material noticed every day. Also, a way for the library to have the list of patrons who were e mailed. (Hebah 2/22/17)
  8. Can we limit the amount of the patron record that is displayed when a patron's bar code is entered into Check in or Check Out? (Rich, Suzette, 3/13/17)


  • API availability for fetching records by ISBN, call number, title, record number - per 9/23/16 meeting with Shlomit these will be available, and there are APIs for recently added, recently published, etc.
  • Do we need to archive order records before Sierra conversion?
    • They are not being converted. State requires 5 years retention. Technical Services will run an Aleph report after Sierra go-live to capture order records that are required for retention. We will also retain print invoices for 5 years in Tech Services.
  • Encore Duet does not have Call Number or ISBN searching
    • Innovative has indexed Call Number and ISBN as Keywords so you can find them with a keyword search. (12/13/16)
  • Terms of License for using cover art from catalog
    • We can use the Content Café book cover images on other library sites, such as Libguides, as long as the purpose is to promote the book represented. Regarding Content Café, we have asked Innovative to turn it on for all of the Encore suites. The book cover images currently displaying are from Amazon and are just temporary. When Content Café has been configured, FALSC will let us know. (11/28/16)
  • SSO in D2L - how will this work? 
    • Currently being designed. Weekly meetings underway to track progress.  (2/10/17)
  • Offline Circulation - how will this work?  (Hebah 2/15/17)
  • Proxy links will break. Will there be a redirection solution? Will just the part change or will the entire string be different? (2/22/17 Rich/Dan Tan)
    • Links will redirect for a long time, 6-12 months. The final configuration of the new URL has not been determined yet. (2/24/17)
  • Is it possible, when searching the web reserve module, to allow students to search a specific campus like Bocce ( central) or Bocno (north) and/or Bocso (south) or all three campuses? (Nancy/Leon 2/1/17)
    • There is no reserves module. Locations are a facet that can be used to filter results.


New feature possibilities

  1. Develop inter-campus loan program, either through Inter-Campus Loan (ICL) or Hold ("Request It") process. Allow patrons to request books from UCL and have them delivered to North or South.
  2. Add community tags to key pathway resources - STEMpathway, CHADpathway, SAFETYpathway, etc. Provides extremely fast and targeted searching for suggested resources. 
  3. EBSCO Curriculum Builder will be available after launch. It provides article list construction inside D2L using all library resources. It is on James Cook's radar for next summer.
  4. Content Cafe is included. Features are listed in wiki for discovery configuration workgroup.
  5. EBSCO Discovery Service is included in the contract as a free replacement for Sierra Encore Duet. (Suggest using what FAU uses for student consistency.) EDS creates issues for uborrow (ILL). Also access to individual's accounts are not accessible.

Questions from Local Implementation Teams