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Sierra Encore Duet Implementation Plan

Broward College's next generation library services platform

Technical Service Projects

Aleph catalog record projects

  • Bib record cleanup - DONE
  • Acquisition record cleanup - DONE
  • Supplier record cleanup - DONE
  • Data migration quality control - DONE

Sierra System configuration

  • Location codes - need discussion for North, South - DONE
  • Need to add location code for Sim Center reserves - DONE
  • Hardware compatibility: new PC, Windows 10, scanners and printers

Electronic resources (ERM)

  • Create spreadsheet with database data for batch creation of ERM and License records - DONE
  • Create spreadsheet with vendor contacts - DONE
  • Configure link resolver and linking options - DONE

Library Website / Libguides integration


  • All links to books in Mango will need to be updated.
  • All links to ebooks will need to be updated. Redirects may temporarily work.
  • A-Z Databases
    • FALSC will provide redirects for links to eresources for "a while".
    • Proxy syntax is changing. Links in the libguides Databases A-Z will need to be updated. Anyone using standard links will not have to do anything.   (Silviana will update links in Databases A-Z)
    • Anyone with custom links to databases in libguides will need to update them manually.
  • Catalog search widgets & catalog link widgets (Keren)
    • FALSC is programming an Encore Duet widget maker (prototyped 3/14/17) The standard version of the library catalog widget in libguides will be updated with new code to search Encore Duet.
    • Anyone who has copied and customized a catalog widget in libguides will need to replace it.
  • Journal Finder search widget & links (Keren)
  • Navigation links in libguides, libchat, etc will have to change ( My Account / Renew Books, Course Reserve, A-Z Journal Listing ) (Keren)
  • Unused widgets cleanup - all
  • Unused links cleanup - all
  • Widgets that were copied and not linked need to be repaired/replaced - all
  • All Circulation / Reserves libguide pages (Suzette)
  • Interlibrary Loan (Suzette)
  • Integrating Library Resources in D2L Courses (Simone)
  • FAU user loans (Owl cards, reciprocal borrowing, registering at desk)
  • Login links and documentation - "How to login" pages (Keren)
  • Link to backup catalog will change
  • Link to backup database directory will change
  • End user documentation would be nice to standardize and provide once Encore Duet is stable:
    • "Find a book" documentation
    • "Find an article" documentation
    • "Find an ebook" documentation

Website (


  • A-Z Journal Listing (ejournal finder) - links, user interface, and documentation will change 
  • FALSC resourcekey links may change, tbd

Interlibrary Loan

  • Request form
  • Documentation


  • SSO
  • Library Resources page needs new links to A-Z Journal LIsting, new search box for articles, new search box for ebooks, new links for catalog.


  • Main menu has link to existing "Library Resources" link pseudo-SSO. Discussion with James Cook, probably can leave the link and change the URL to point to a page inside D2L. Then IAMCloud authentication would trigger and through SSO students would get FALSC cookie set. So, no change to student, functionality continues as is with only a change in what password is entered. (2/8/17)

Google Scholar

How to update SFX links in Google Scholar?

Floor Mapping

FALSC has built their own solution to integrate floor maps into Encore Duet user interface. The project is being tested on all institutions that have mapping in Mango or Primo. Documentation will be available in late 2017 - early 2018 for other institutions who want to do this project. (11/1/17 update)

IT integration projects

Single Sign On - authentication project for Sierra Encore Duet. There are several goals:

  1. For students inside D2L, access to library resources via proxied links will not require additional authentication. The "Library Resources" link will still be present and will go to the current page without any proxying. Once a student is in D2L, library resources will continue to be available without login even outside of the SSO environment.
  2. MyBC is being integrated into SSO. The same Library Resources link will still be present. As above, SSO will linger.
  3. For students outside an authenticated environment using a proxied link, the patron will have to indicate whether they are FAU or BC. BC patrons go through an IAMCloud login to authenticate prior to accessing licensed resources. FAU patrons will use a direct EZProxy login.

November, 2016

  • 11/16 III has collected authentication system information from all colleges and universities DONE
  • FALSC and III are planning authentication implementation DONE (planning)

February, 2017

  • FALSC authentication team working with BC IT to set up SSO. 
    • Need to confirm or create existence of student emails in patron load (Dan) Confirmed. DONE 2/9/17
    • Send IAMCloud registration information to Bill (Dan)   DONE  2/9/17
    • Start approval process in IT for update (Dan)  
  • The server for patron loads is changing. Alton is testing (2/1/17) BC IT Ticket number 2624499 (2/6/17)
  • Chrome is now required. Is it auto refreshed on staff computers? Ticket Request ID: 2650895 (2/10/17) Answer is yes, it is already done. Fill out Help Desk ticket for any computer not automatically updated. DONE  2/14/17

March, 2017

  • March 3 - deadline for FTP testing (2624499) DONE 
  • March 3 - deadline for opening ports for new servers (Dan) DONE 
  • March 20 - FALSC wants Sierra Desktop app installed on training computers. Help Desk Ticket 2821419 has documentation on how to install. Room 104 is DONE 

May, 2017

  • Patron load - daily loads to new FALSC secure server into production 5/17/17.

June, 2017

  • Sierra < -- > IAMCloud integration completed

July, 2017

  • Submitted Helpdesk ticket 3499122 (cc Raj and Dan) for
    • EZProxy < -- > IAM Cloud integration
    • Encore <--> IAM Cloud integration
  • EZProxy patron logging - submitted to U West Florida legal team for review by Bill Kuntz, 7/25/17

September, 2017

  • Local Implementation Team names and tester names submitted to FALSC for creation of SSO identities. (Automated updates are not working yet.)

February 6-13, 2018

  • Raj asks about changing our SSO/IDP provider from IAMCloud to OneLogin. Rick Chu says it is unnecessary since Sierra contract has ended; next steps are being explored, and might include SSO.


  • Test proxied "Library Resources" link.
  • Test proxied FAU access


Fines and Fees - staff will continue to update individual records as long as we are using CID. Consider integration project once Seahawk Student goes live.


Public Service Projects

Aleph patron records

  • Eliminate duplicate patron records. DONE 

Aleph Reserve records migrating to Sierra bib records

  • define standard to use on all campuses
  • do inventory - eliminate records where there is no item
  • delete items not used in years
  • delete duplicate records
  • implement new standard
  • reports are available 
  • items in reserve: reserve materials; study room keys; models; laptops; ... ?

ILL records

  • items loaned out and not returned need reconcilliation 

Bookings module - can set up room bookings

Curriculum Builder

Curriculum Builder Implementation (updated 9/25/17)

UPDATE: Curriculum Builder has been integrated into a D2L test shell. We decided not to deploy it in 2017 due to the fact that all the links it creates will have to be changed before go-live...

Curriculum Builder allows libraries to plug EDS directly into their LMS to easily add scholarly articles to reading lists.  It works with all LTI-compliant LMS systems. It does work with D2L.

Curriculum Builder has been integrated into D2L and is available in a test shell. See Simone Williams or Rich Ackerman for details.

We are glad you have decided use the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Curriculum Builder. The information below contains information on administering and customizing Curriculum Builder. If at any time you have questions, please contact

With Curriculum Builder comes an EDS API profile—which you will use to administer the tool. You will find this profile in EBSCOadmin in the Select Profile dropdown menu; we have called it Curriculum Builder. Administration of Curriculum Builder has many of the same customizations as your main EDS profile such as adding and removing databases, configuring CustomLinks, modifying the searching features and search results display.

To begin, the initial profile was built to match the databases and linking found in your main EDS profile, so the results you receive from Curriculum Builder will be the same as those you receive from EDS and Encore Duet.

Please note, if you make changes to your main EDS profile, such as add a database, in order to have those reflect in the Curriculum Builder, you will need to make those same changes in the Curriculum Builder profile.

Setting Up the Tool in the LMS

The information you need to activate Curriculum Builder in your Learning Management System (LMS) is listed below. Note: Some LMS systems label some fields slightly different, or omit some fields entirely. You will need to follow the specific instructions for your LMS and LTI Tools. If you need specific instructions, please contact your LMS vendor.

For a walkthrough of how Curriculum Builder is activated in a LMS system, please see the video links from the EBSCO Support Site:

Tool Name: Your choice (The name will appear for faculty, so it is suggested that you co-brand it with your EDS product name. Example: OneSearch: Curriculum Builder)
Launch Endpoint / Tool URL:
Domain (not required for all LMSs):
Consumer Key: see Rich or James
Secret: see Rich or James
Privacy: allow tool to send user’s name, email, and role.


Please visit the Curriculum Builder administration module to complete the configuration of your Curriculum Builder tool. There are several branding and display options such as a custom logo, library website link and library contact information that should be customized with your institution’s specific information.

To access Curriculum Builder administration, visit:

Login with the following:
Consumer Key: see Rich or James
Secret: see Rich or James


You can find instructor-oriented videos, administration tips, and more at If your institution has Springshare’s LibGuides product, you will also find these guides available to copy into your own system – please feel free to use them.

If you have any questions, or issues installing and configuring the tool, please contact us at Once you have it fully integrated, we would love to hear from you.

Hardware testing

The end user software needs to be tested on a variety of hardware platforms at Broward College. We are mostly concerned with browser compatibility on the software side and barcode readers, spine label printers, and card swipes scanners on the hardware side.

Chrome is highly recommended for all staff and training computers using Sierra. The latest version should be installed. Chrome is automatically updated on Broward College computers.  

  • Macintosh computers in Room 164 (Silent Study)
  • Student computers on 1st floor of library
  • Kiosk computers on 1, 3, and 4 floor
  • Podium computers in classrooms
  • Circulation Desk/area hardware
    • barcode readers at Checkout Desk
    • printers in circulation area
    • card swipe at circulation desk
    • FAU network attached computer (Sierra access)
  • Technical Services hardware
    • barcode readers
    • Zebra spine label printers
  • ASC hardware on all campuses
    • staff barcode readers
    • browsers in student areas

FAU eResources Card

A separate patron record will be created to provide access to selected electronic resources for FAU patrons who register at our circulation desk.


Broward FAU Joint Use EResource Access

Version 1.1  11/3/17

Any FAU student, staff, or faculty will be able to walk into the University/College Library and check out materials using their FAU ID card.

If an FAU patron wishes to access Broward’s electronic resources, Broward staff will register them at the circulation desk and create a BC patron record in the patron database. It will be of the ptype 13 BC FAU ERESOURCE – one size fits all.  This will allow these FAU patrons access to Broward purchased databases but not statewide college resources. The FAU patron’s email address will serve as the unique identifier for this patron.

Creating an EResource Patron

  • In the Function “Check Out (Circulation Desk) click the New button
  • Select the template “14ERAccess: Broward FAU ER Access”
  • Go through the prompts:
    • Expiration Date
    • Barcode – fill with FAU email address
    • PIN
    • Name
    • Unique ID – Append the FAU email address to the existing ‘14-‘. Example:
    • Address
    • Email – fill with FAU email address
  • Required fields will already be filled in:
    • pType “13 BC FAU EResource”
    • Home Library “14c Broward College Central”
    • Patron Agency “14 Broward”
  • Click Save/Close



  1.  FALSC - Configure EZProxy to accommodate Patron Type13 access to our locally licensed resources
  2. Circ: define policy & procedure to ensure only properly registered users are allowed access
  3. Circ: define expiration date and renewal policy
  4. Circ: research and recommend procedure for migration of existing FAU patrons