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PSY 2012 Podcast - Prof. Franco

Instructional resources for the PSY2012 courses taught by Nathalie Franco. These courses will create a 5-7 min podcasts over 7 weeks by working in groups of 3-4 students.


Tuesday 9/3 12:30 - 3 pm

Wednesday 9/4 9:30 am - 12 pm

Storyboard & Script

Most podcasts have an outline of the various topics they will cover and in what order they will introduce the information for those topics. For your podcast you will need to produce a script that shows what you will say about your topic. The script is important to keep you on topic and to manage the amount of time you spend on each segment of your show. Podcast scripts are similar to a speech since they also have a beginning, middle and end. What makes a podcast different from a typical speech is the addition of sounds, music, and other media. Remember, this podcast is your show. It needs to be entertaining and informative for your audience members.

Draft storyboards are due Friday, 9/13 and need to be uploaded to D2L


Copyright: Who owns this sound?

If you listened to some of the podcast examples from week 1, you may have noticed that these podcasts use music and sounds within their episodes. Because this podcast is for academic purposes, any music, sound effects or other audio that you use must be copyright free (free on any usage restrictions). Copyright laws are in place to protect works of music, art, literature and many more mediums of expression for a limited time from unfair usage. Below is a brief summary of copyright law to help you understand the rules and regulations that protect original works.
Luckily for us, there are plenty of sounds, music and other audio that are copyright free and available for free download and use. A simple Google search for "Copyright Free Sounds" or "Copyright Free Music" will lead you to some great sources. For this class, when you choose sounds for your podcast you will need to give credit to the source within your storyboard. You can do this by copying the link to the source's website or copying the creative commons license to include in your storyboard. It is important that Tiffany and Edward are able to verify that the sounds you use in your podcast are copyright free. See below for some sources of free sounds and music that you can use in your podcast.

Copyright Law

Copyright law, as defined in Title 17 of the United States Code, protects "original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression" for a limited period. Copyright protection includes, for instance, the legal right to publish and sell literary, artistic, or musical work, and copyright protects authors, publishers and producers, and the public.  Copyright applies both to traditional media (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.) and to digital media (electronic journals, web sites, etc.). Copyright protects the following eight categories of works:

  • literary works
  • musical works
  • dramatic works
  • pantomimes and choreographic works
  • pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
  • motion pictures and other audiovisual works
  • sound recordings
  • architectural works

Ownership of a copyrighted work includes the right to control the use of that work. Use of such work by others during the term of the copyright requires either permission from the author or reliance on the doctrine of fair use. Failure to do one or the other will expose the user to a claim of copyright infringement for which the law provides remedies including payment of monetary damages to the copyright owner.

(Thanks to Carol Funker at Southwestern University for this succinct definition.)

Sources for Copyright Free Sounds and Music

Citing in Audio

Why cite sources in a podcast?

This group project requires that you find and use credible sources to help inform your understanding of human psychology. Therefore, you will be incorporating the works of other sources into your podcast script. Citing your sources within the podcast reassures your audience that you have done research on the topic and are informed by experts. When citing in a podcast, you are performing an oral citation, very similar to what is done in a speech.

When you use the words and ideas of other sources without providing a citation (written or oral), this is PLAGIARISM. Any words or information that is not your own, must be cited within your podcast.


Quoting vs. Paraphrasing (both require a citation)

Quoting: when you use another person's ideas word for word. This type of citation requires quotation marks (" ") to indicate that the information is being written or repeated as it appears in the original text. When citing orally you must let the audience know that you are quoting and provide the name or other identifying information for the source.

Example: In a 2019 Psychology Today article, Dr. David Susman writes, quote, "people with mental illness aren’t more likely to be violent than the general population. In fact, they are more likely to be victims of violence."


Paraphrasing: when you summarize someone else's ideas in your own words. Even though you have put the idea into your own words, you must still refer to the source where you found the information you are using. When citing orally, you may make reference to the source at the beginning of your statement with a signal phrase and then continue on with your paraphrase.

Example: In an article entitled "How Colleges Today Are Supporting Student Mental Health," UC Berkley's Greater Good Magazine found that anxiety is the number one concern for U.S. college students who seek out mental health services.


What information should you include in an oral citation?

Author: provide the authors name as well as any credentials that can help identify the author's expertise in the subject matter

Title: Give the title of the book, journal, magazine or webpage that you are using. Also provide the name of the website, publisher, company or any school/university affiliations of the sources.

Date: the date that the information was published is important to help the audience establish how recent this information was published.