Please check out the wide range of services we offer, including:
- Friendly, professional staff and faculty with years of collective experience who have devoted their professional careers to making Broward College a better place
- A variety of individual and group study spaces for studying quietly or collaborating with others
- Continually evolving library facilities serving Broward College's Central, South and North campuses, plus our Online Campus with access to online tutoring, writing labs, and more

- Access to approximately 214,240 print books; 347,525 eBooks; and 230 databases
- Many distinctive Special Collections including artists’ books, sound recordings, print music, rare books and manuscripts
- A Digital Library containing unique materials from Special Collections and Broward College Digital Archives, as well as the intellectual output of Broward College's faculty and students
- In-person and virtual assistance through workshops, tailored instruction sessions, research consultations, tutorials, webcasts, and more
- Research assistance on any topic when you walk in, over chat or email, on the phone, or by special appointment for more in-depth assistance
- Multiple open-use computer areas
- Interlibrary loan access to the world’s libraries
- Library materials on Reserve for classes
- Wireless connectivity throughout
- Assistance understanding copyright and the evolving world of scholarly communication
- A growing array of lectures and events for fun and edification
- Exhibits created to inspire and coordinate with current events or issues
- And much more...
Come find out more about us or visit each campus library's web page for additional information - we are here for you!