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Professor Barron - ENC 1101

Library Resources (Databases)

This searches for books, ebooks, journal articles, streaming media, and more.

  1. Choose a topic that you are interested in (if possible).  It will make the task of writing the paper a lot easier.
  2. When searching - use keywords & concepts rather than entire sentences.
  3. Brainstorm for keywords.  Google can be a great place to discover keywords.
  4. Search the Library databases and see what kind of results you get.
  • If you are not happy with the results try the synonyms of your keywords


  • try another database.


 Academic Search Complete

  • Use the Advanced Search option.  (more search boxes)
  • Put different concepts on each line. 
  • Put a checkmark in in the box [ ] Apply related words (to search for synonyms)
  • If you do not like your results try a new search OR use limiters to narrow or reorder results. 
    •  use different keywords, different boolean operator, difference sort order
    • use google to find other keywords to describe your concept (difference in pay between men and women)

eBook Collections