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Professor Barron - ENC 1101

Library MLA website

In-Text Citations

You will use an in-text citation to let readers know your ideas came from another source. This will usually be the author's last name and page number where the information was found. 


Whenever you use another's words, facts, or ideas for your paper you are paraphrasing

In the late 1980's, scholars began to analyze Shakespeare's Tempest less as an allegory of universality and more as a depiction of and commentary on English colonialism (Skura 424). 

Direct Quote

When using another person's ideas word for word you must use quotation marks and provide an in-text citation. 

Skura writes that the Tempest "is now seen to be not simply an allegory about...universal experience but rather a cultural phenomenon that has its origin in and effect on 'historical' events, specifically English colonialism" (424). 

Direct quotes can be presented in various way. Above, the author's name is noted in the sentence, but it doesn't need to be, so long as it's then present in a parenthetical citation. 

"The Tempest [is] a play that is now seen to be not simply an allegory about...universal experience but rather a cultural phenomenon that has its origin in and effect on 'historical' events, specifically English colonialism" (Skura 424). 

In both instances, the citation appears after the use of the words or thoughts in the body of the paper before the period of that sentence. The name of the author appears first, followed by the page number. 

The full citation will appear in the works cited page at the end of your paper, in the Works Cited section.

What if...? 

  • If there is no author, then use the first words from the citation you provide on your Works Cited page based on the MLA. (This may be the title of the article or the title of a book.) 
  • For a block quote, do not use quotation marks. Instead, begin the quote on a new paragraph and indent the first line. Go to the beginning of the second line of your quote and hit the Tab key. This will cause the second and all following lines to indent. 
    • In MLA, any quote that is more than four lines needs a block quote.