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Plant-Based Information: Research Strategies

Welcome to your one-stop destination for vegan, vegetarian, veg-curious, and plant-based health information resources at University/College Library.

Information Literacy

Information Literacy skills - locate, evaluate, use information effectively

Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” (ALA, 1989)

Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
Information Creation as a Process
Information Has Value
Research as Inquiry
Scholarship as Conversation
Searching as Strategic Exploration


Locate information

Identify your information need (CHECK the syllabus)

Approach the research process with curiosity

Select a research topic that interests you

Formulate a plan for locating credible, reliable, scholarly information

Begin with a broad search using your topic as a keyword (i.e., "technology")

Use the filters to narrow the results based on your information need



Ask questions about the source that you have located

Locate an author and recognize a date

Analyze the source critically

Determine the credibility based on your evaluation

Use Effectively

Use information effectively with citations to avoid plagiarism

Provide in-text and full citations for all sources

Credit your references and give props to the authors

Create new knowledge based on the information that you located and evaluated

Share your research findings with classmates and professors

Use Effectively: MLA Citations

Use Information: citation resources

Information Literacy Handout

information literacy flyer - fall 2020

How to Spot Fake News

How to spot fake news

Source: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

Research: Steps to Success


Six research steps to success

  • 1 - Realize your information need
    • Log into D2L and access the course syllabus
    • Comprehend the assignment criteria (i.e., How many pages?)
    • Recognize the sources required (i.e., Library databases or Internet sites?)
  • 2 - Discover your topic
    • Realize that you have to produce a paper or assignment and have an information need
    • Discover the topic that you want to research and write a paper or give a speech about
    • Explore topics that interest you and investigate exciting subjects that align with your pathway
  • 3 - Create your thesis
    • Develop an argument or establish a unique point of view to shape the focus on your paper
    • Consider the opposing viewpoints of issues & controversies
    • Construct a foundation that will support your argument or thesis
  • 4 - Research your topic
    • Start with a wide net using broad terms and research with your topic authentic inquiry
    • Create keywords to use in your academic search (e.g., technology, prisons, vegetarian food)
    • Make connections and ask questions based on new information discovered in the research
  • 5 - Evaluate your research
    • Consider each aspect of the source and inspect the author, date, publisher, and purpose
    • Check web domains of internet sources (e.g., .edu. .gov, .org, .com) and consider the five W's
    • Run the source through CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) to evaluate
  • 6 - Credit your sources
    • Use information that you located and evaluated effectively by crediting all sources with proper citations
    • Understand that students in academic institutions must cite sources to avoid plagiarism and ensure quality
    • Credit the credible references that were used to help you co-create new knowledge when you share your research findings

5 W's to ask when evaluating information

Information literacy - ask yourself the 5 w's

Ask yourself these questions when evaluating sources for credibility:

WHO is the author? Is there an author listed? What are the listed author's qualifications?

WHAT is the content? Does the source contain information that is relevant to your research topic?

WHEN was the information written? Is the information timely? Has the content been updated recently?

WHERE is the source coming from? Is the web domain a .org (organization), .edu (education), .gov (government)?

WHY was the information published? Is this an entertainment or a scholarly, academic information source?

Evaluate all resources critically when performing academic research for college assignments.

Evaluate: Web Domains

Evaluate web domains during internet searches

.edu - Education

.gov - Government

.org - Organization (non-profit)

.com - Commercial

Evaluate: CRAAP Test

Evaluate sources by using the CRAAP test






How to Spot Fake News

How to spot fake news - Covid edition

Source: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)