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ENC 1102 - Prof. Barr

Fall 2019

Call Number

REF 1st Floor
Leisure 1st Floor
Career 1st Floor
DVD 1st Floor
Reserve 1st Floor

A-H 2nd Floor

J-R 3rd Floor 

S-Z 4th Floor
Oversize 4th Floor
CLC 4th Floo


Assignment Description: Locate print sources for your final essay topic in the Broward College Library.

Assignment Objective: Use reliable print sources in your research.


1.      Locate print sources you can use in your final essay.

2.      Take two selfies as proof. The pictures should show:

  •       You in front of the shelf where you found print sources related to your topic, and
  •       You with at least one print source related to your topic that you checked out from the library.

3.      Upload your two selfies to the dropbox on D2L under Assignments.


1. Start early.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask a reference librarian for help!

3. Make sure the print sources are clearly visible in the pictures. 

Contact Us:

Profile Photo
Judi Tidwell (Broward College)
