Block Quote Rules:
- Quotations are the exact words from the source.
- If the quote you want to use is more than four lines you will need to make it a block quote.
- Do NOT use quotation marks for block quotes (4 or more lines).
- The lead-in to a block quote will end with a colon :
- The entire block quote will be indented 1 inch (or two tabs).
- In a block quote you will add the paranthetical page number afer the ending punctuation and before starting a new paragraph.
- ALWAYS cite paraphrased information & quotes.
- Add the page number when citing quotes.
Paraphrasing Rules:
- Paraphrasing is rewritting information from the source in your own words.
- Do NOT use quotation marks for paraphrased information.
- If you want to include a unique word or phrase from the source, add quotation marks around the word in your sentence, and cite at the end of the sentence. Example from the video:
Genetics is partially responsible for a person's happiness establishing a"set-point" for how happy one can be (Peterson and Park 304).
ALWAYS cite paraphrased information & quotes.
For more information read your MLA Handbook 3.7.1-3.7.8 and 6.1-6.2 or check-out the Purdue OWL webpage.