Feel free to reach out to your Social Behavioral Science and Human Services Dean and Associate Deans to ask about available tutoring or any other questions you might have!
Dr. Lulrick Balzora Dr. Todd Bernhardt
Dean, SBSHS Pathway Community Associate Dean, SBSHS Pathway Community
Dean of Academic Affairs, SBSHS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, SBSHS
Central Campus North Campus
954-201-6514 954-201-2275
lbalzora@broward.edu tbernhar@broward.edu
Dr. Kisha King Dr. Sonia Nieves
Associate Dean, SBSHS Pathway Community Associate Dean, SBSHS Pathway Community
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, SBSHS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, SBSHS
Central Campus South Campus
954-201-6593 954-201-8901
Broward College, Central Campus Library
South Regional Library
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
North Regional Library
Faculty Librarians:
Davian Grant - dgrant2@broward.edu
Kara McCoy - kmccoy@broward.edu
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