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Prof. Ebert - ENC 1101, ENC1102, & AML2020

LibGuides to support the course work and assignments for Professor Valorie Ebert's classes at Broward College

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

Your annotated bibliography should include a total of three (3) sources: 

  1. One must be from the supplemental readings. 
  2. One must be from the library.
  3. You must also include a citation for the essay that will be your primary source (so at least three total annotations).

Citations: Organize your citations alphabetically, just as you would on a Works Cited page.

Annotations: Annotations for this assignment are two paragraphs with further information you are providing about your sources, and so should be organized in paragraphs under each citation. 

  1. First paragraph - summarize the source. You should summarize the main points of the article that will be relevant for your own paper. 
  2. Second paragraph - explain why you believe the source is helpful for your paper, and what specific parts of it interest you, AND include at least three quotes. 

Choose at least one (1) quote from the source and incorporate them into the second paragraph and explain how or what you will use the quote for.

Sample MLA Citation and Annotation

Gabriel, Trip. “For Students in Internet Age, No Shame in Copy and Paste." Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers, 9th ed., edited by Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon, Bedford/St. Martin's, 2018, pp. 59-65.

The idea that there is ‘nothing new under the sun” is front and center in this piece about the view of plagiarism in the digital age. Students who are digital natives have grown up in a world of music file sharing, screen grabs, and collective authorship on Wikipedia and are challenging the notions around originality and ownership of ideas. Music mashups and memes abound on the Internet and although these works are recognized as derivative, they are not seen as theft of other’s ideas. The author presents several anecdotes of students that have been caught plagiarizing and their responses which generally do not acknowledge that their actions were egregious. 

The piece provides advice on incorporating the ideas of others and citing sources while suggesting questions that students should ask themselves about the nature of sources and how they fit into one’s work product. Examples of source types found on a Works Cited page are provided which will help students recognize the types of sources that must be cited in their papers to avoid plagiarism.