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ENC 1101- Prof. Berkley

Welcome to ENC 1101


Argumentative Essay


Assignment Description: Choose a topic related to your field of study that involves a controversy. Write an argumentative essay based on a careful analysis of both sides of the controversy. The argument should focus on the differing viewpoints you find in your research and your analysis of their rhetorical merit. An excellent essay will put forth your own interpretation of the situation and recommendations for possible action, study, or even solutions. You should take a clear stance on the issue.


Assignment Outcomes: The Argumentative Essay should demonstrate your ability to make a logical argument that is well supported by source-based evidence and correct use of MLA format and citation style.


Assignment Requirements:

  1. Write an argumentative essay on a current controversy in your field.

  2. Have an arguable thesis that is well supported by every paragraph of the essay.

  3. Have a conclusion that answers the questions, “So what?”

  4. You should use a minimum of four sources. All sources must be from a credible, academic source like those found in the Broward College databases or Broward College library.

  5. Correctly cite and document sources according to MLA format, using both in-text citations and the works cited list.

  6. Essays must be 800 to 1,000 words long.



  1. Choose a controversy that is interesting to you. Use this assignment to help you become an expert in your field.

  2. Do attend all classes and library sessions. We’ll be working on sections of the essay in class, so you will get the most support and have the clearest idea of what to do if you’re always present.

  3. Get help early and often. You have the library resources, ASC, the writing lab, Pearson’s resources (on the left side of the MyLab page),, and me. Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for help, but even last minute help is better than no help at all. Use your resources!

  4. Look ahead. Don’t let the draft deadlines sneak up on you. Set reminders on your phone or whatever else you need to do to make sure you have a draft ready for each deadline. Participating in the full process is the best way to improve your writing and get the grade you want.

  5. Attend to the details of MLA format and style carefully.

Online Research Databases

The following online sources are great tools to begin your research. They are accessible from any computer/mobile device with Internet access, and also off-campus using your BC student ID and MMDD of your birth date. Access additional online sources here.