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ENC 1101 & SPC 1608 Prof. Geerling & Prof. Beniste

Believe it or Not!: a Learning Community focused on the Truth and Lies told publicly

What is APA

Access the APA 7th Edition Publication Manual online. 

APA (American Psychological Association) is a set of guidelines for documenting sources and formatting papers. 


Reasons to use a citation format:

  • Giving credit to the authors and avoiding plagiarism
  • Show readers where you incorporated research and evidence
  • Unify the presentation of the information and convey professional communication skills

APA Reference Examples

Elements: Author. (Year, Month Date). Title. Publication, vol/issue, page number(s).

Note (from APA Online Style Guide): 

  • Do not include database information in the reference unless the journal article comes from a database that publishes works of limited circulation or original, proprietary content, such as UpToDate.
  • If the journal article does not have a DOI but does have a URL (e.g., it is from an online journal that is not part of a database), include the URL of the article at the end of the reference.


One Author

Boggs, C. G. (2016). Public reading and the Civil War draft lottery. American Periodicals, 26(2), 149-166.

Two Authors

Abdo, D., & Bobroff, M. (2018). Cross-disciplinary teaching of Mariama Ba's So Long a letter. ADFL Bulletin, 45(1), 171-83.

Three or more Authors (list all names)

De la Fuente, R., Bernad, A., Garcia-Castro, J., Martin, M. C., & Cigudosa, J. C. (2010, August 15). Retraction: Spontaneous human adult stem cell transformation. Cancer Research, 70(16), 6682.

No Author (Title goes first)

The Mozart effect myth: Listening to music does not help against epilepsy. (2023, March 26). NewsRx Science, 539.

without page number

Alpert-Abrams, H. (2016). Machine reading the primeros libros. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 10(4).

with + nonconsecutive pagination

Migone, A., & Howlett, M. (2022). Policy shops, hired guns, and gatekeepers: The organization and distribution of policy analysts in Ontario. Canadian Public Administration, 65(4), 690+.

with article number

Jerrentrup, A., Mueller, T., Glowalla, U., Herder, M., Henrichs, N., Neubauer, A., & Schaefer, J. R. (2018, March 13). Teaching medicine with the help of "Dr. House". PLoS ONE, 13(3), Article e0193972.

Magazine or Newspaper Article from the database (same as for a print article: do not include database info and a URL)

Lyons, D. (2009). Don’t “iTune” us. Newsweek, 153(24), 27.

Newspaper Article on Website

Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times.

Article from an Online Magazine

Schulman, M. (2019, September 9). Superfans: A love story. The New Yorker.

Article from a web page (include Retrieval date)

Stein, M. B., & Taylor, C. T. (2019). Approach to treating social anxiety disorder in adults. UpToDate. Retrieved September 31, 2023, from

Article Written by the Organization - on a Webpage

Mayo Clinic. (2023, June 28). Belly fat in women: Taking-and keeping-it off. Healthy Lifestyle Women’s Health.

Article on Blog (include Retrieval date)

Ouellette, J. (2019, November 15). Physicists capture first footage of quantum knots unraveling in superfluid: Research has implications for future topological quantum computers. Ars Technica. Retrieved October 1, 2023, from

Book Chapter in an Edited Book

Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their development. In R. F. SubotnikP. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human potential into domain-specific talent (pp. 345–359). American Psychological Association.

5 main elements: Author. (Year, Month Date). Title. Publication. URL

Retrieval Date (Month date, year, from URL): When contents of a page are designed to change over time.



Webpage, with Author and Date

Denchak, M. (2022, June 7). Ocean pollution: The dirty facts. Natural Resources Defense Council.

Website - No Author (Title goes first)

Deaths from cardiac arrests have surged in New York City. (2020, April 13). The Economist.

Webpage, Organization as the Author

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook. (2022, September 8). Registered Nurses.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2018, July). Anxiety disorders. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Mayo Clinic. (2023, June 28). Belly fat in women: Taking-and keeping-it off. Healthy Lifestyle Women’s Health.

Florida Department of Education. (2016). Rule 6A-10.081, Florida administrative code, principles of professional conduct for the education profession in Florida.

Webpage, Organization as the Author, no date

United Nations. (n.d.). What is climate change?  Retrieved August 24, 2023, from

OER Open Educational Resource, with Retrieval Date

Fagan, J. (2019, March 25). Nursing clinical brain. OER Commons. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

5 main elements: Author(Year). Title. Publication. URL



Book (hard copy)

Davis, A. Y. (1998). Blues legends and black feminism: Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday. Pantheon.


Christensen, A., & Wolff, T. (Eds.). (2010). American lives: A reader. University of Nebraska Press. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Book with Edition

Jackson, L. M. (2020). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

Book with Editor(s)

Baron, S. A., Lindquist, E. N., & Shevlin, E. F. (Eds.). (2007). Agent of change: Print culture studies after Elizabeth L. Eisenstein. University of Massachusetts Press.

Book with Multiple Volumes

Miller, D., Costa, E., Haynes, N., McDonald, T., Nicolescu, R., Sinanan, J., Spyer, J., Venkatraman, S., & Wang, X. (2016). How the world changed social media (1st ed., Vol. 1). UCL Press.

Book Chapter in an Edited Book (need to include page numbers)

Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their development. In R. F. Subotnik, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human potential into domain-specific talent (pp. 345–359). American Psychological Association.


Video - App (Netflix, Hulu, Xfinity) (p. 343)

Simon, D., Colesberry, R. F., & Kostroff Noble, N. (Executive Producers). (2002-2008). The wire [TV series]. Blown Deadline Productions; HBO.

Video - YouTube (p. 344)

University of Oxford. (2018, December 6). How do geckos walk on water? [Video]. YouTube. 

5 main elements: Author. (Year, Month Date). Title. Publication. URL

Retrieval Date (Month date, year, from URL): When contents of a page are designed to change over time.



Facebook Post

World Wildlife Fund. (2020, July 14). Five things to know on Shark Awareness Day. Facebook. Retrieved October 21, 2023, from

Facebook Page, no date

Community of Multiculturalism. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved October 14, 2023, from


National Geographic [@natfeo]. (n.d.). IGTV [Instagram profile]. Instagram. Retrieved December 14, 2023, from

TikTok/X (formerly Twitter)

Cook, P. [@chemteacherphil]. (2021, September 17). Fighting fire with fire. #sciencetok#learnontiktok [ Video]. TikTok. Retrieved December 24, 2023, from


Seales, A. (Host). (2018-present). Small doses with Amanda Seales [Audio podcast]. Urban One Podcast Network.

Webster, M., & Abumrad, J. (Hosts). (2020, September 11). Bringing gamma back, again [Audio podcast episode]. In Radiolab. WNYC Studios.

Blog Post

Ouellette, J. (2019, November 15). Physicists capture first footage of quantum knots unraveling in superfluid. Ars Technica.


Image from a database (Artstor)

Fusco, P. (1991). USA. San Francisco, California. 1991. Homelessness [Photograph]. Paul Fusco/Magnum Photos.

Image from a Google search (p. 347)

McCurry, S. (1985). Afghan girl [Photograph]. National Geographic.

Please confirm with your Professor that using a generative AI tool (ex: ChatGPT) is allowed for your assignment. Some Professors do not allow these tools to be used. If a generative AI tool is allowed, you must cite the information to avoid plagiarism.


APA does not consider information from a generative AI tool to be a personal communication as there’s no person communicating. Instead, APA considers the information from an AI tool to be an “algorithm’s output” and therefore the author is the creator of the AI tool. 

For more information, please see:

Name of creator of generative AI Tool. (Year). Tool name (Month Date version) [Large language model]. General URL of tool


 OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (June 16 version) [Large language model].

Set Up Your Paper

Review the requirements for your paper and then consult the links below for details on formatting a paper. 

This chart provides examples of the formatting to use for headers. See the link below for more details. 

APA 7th Edition Heading Levels Chart