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ECO 2013 Information Literacy Course Guide: Module 1: Locate Information

Greg Lindeblom -- South Campus

About This Guide

Welcome to the Information Literacy Competency Course Guide for ECO 2013 Macroeconomics

There are 4 module activities to complete by the due dates indicated in the syllabus.

  1. Watch This! and Do This!- complete these activities in each module.
  2. Research Resources and/or the Additional Resources- helps you complete your activities
  3. Poll This!- complete this brief poll in each module during class when instructed
  4. Need help? Ask us! The box to the right below the poll has the contact information for all of the Faculty Librarians on South Campus, as well as a link (blue button) to make a research appointment.

You will receive feedback from the faculty librarian throughout the semester that will help you hone your research, citation, and critical thinking skills.

Watch This!

Locate Information: Digital Library Tour

*Note: Please view in YouTube or use full screen option.

Do This!

Essay 2 Resource Guide

Information Literacy Framework Resources

At Broward College, Information Literacy is one of the General Education learning outcomes. The Association of College & Research Libraries defines information literacy as

the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning. 

For more information, visit the  Framework for Information Literacy page on the Association of College & Research Libraries website. 
As faculty, Broward College librarians teach information literacy through library instruction sessions.  


Poll -- Finding Sources

Which search tool(s) do you use to find information for your college papers and projects?
Library Databases: 4 votes (5.19%)
Google Scholar: 1 votes (1.3%)
Google: 36 votes (46.75%)
All of the above: 13 votes (16.88%)
None of the above: 23 votes (29.87%)
Total Votes: 77

Need help? Ask us!

Faculty Librarians

 Email Us

Chris Casper
Faculty Librarian

Email Us

Kevin Cigala
Faculty Librarian

If you're having trouble with research and citation a faculty librarian can help you.