This is a service of the University/College Library supporting the curricular needs of our faculty. All our patrons may use titles once they are selected and activated. However, only faculty may request that a title is added to our collection of licensed titles. We encourage all faculty to request films that support their curriculum.
You can use titles that are already licensed. The list is on the Introduction page of this guide. You can also look through the Swank Catalog to find titles to request.
Swank licenses thousands of titles from leading producers like:
Fill out a title request form and send it to the library. We will get in touch with Swank and request activation. We will send you an email once your requested title is available.
Films are available for twelve months after they are activated.
YES! All activated titles are available for viewing by all our faculty, students, and staff. You need to use your regular library login to access the title.
You can add links to them to your D2L courses without asking for permission. Go for it! Just be aware that titles are automatically deactivated after twelve months. To ensure titles are renewed and available for your class, let Michelle Apps know about your intended usage.
The library's license limits us to 25 films per year. Each faculty member may request up to two titles for licensing.
There are a few ways.
The recommended system requirements include:
Playback of movies on a computer occurs in a web browser. In general, Swank supports operating systems and browsers that are currently supported by Microsoft and Apple. Check the full list of supported operating systems and web browsers.