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ENC1101 - BC Online

Browse Issues in Opposing Viewpoints

Go to Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints Browse Issues page

Select a category that relates to your major under the Choose a Category dropdown menu.


Choose a topic


OR look at the full list of issues. Pick an issue that relates to your major.

For example, let's pretend I am in the hospitality program which is under the business pathway. I would choose Business and Economics as the category. After browsing the topics, I decide to chose food waste because it is a  practical problem faced within the hospitality industry.

 Opposing Viewpoints screenshot 2


Once I am in the Food Waste topic page I can narrow down my search results by typing "hotel" in the Search Within Results search box towards the middle of the page. 


Type "hotel" in the Search Within Results box


Once I am in an article that looks like it would work for my assignment, I can click on the Cite icon at the top of the page to retrieve the MLA citation for the article.


Click on Cite icon at the top of the page