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Zotero User's LibGuide

Export your references from RefWorks.

If you wish to preserve your folders, you will need to export each folder separately.

To Export from RefWorks:

  • View the RefWorks folder that you wish to export.
  • Use the Share button at the top navigation bar, and select "Export references" from the dropdown menu.
  • For import into Zotero, BibTeX and RIS Format work best.
  • Save file

If you do not have separate folders you can export all of your references in one file.

  • Make sure you are viewing "All References" to export everything.
  • Use the Share button at the top navigation bar, and select "Export references" from the dropdown menu.
  • For import into Zotero, BibTeX and RIS Format work best.
  • Save file.

image of refworks homepage featuring the share/export funtion

Before you think you are finished

  • Check if you have any references left in "Not in Folder" that you want to keep. Unless you assign them to a Folder, they won't be imported.

  • Make sure that it's intentional if you have duplicate records across multiple folders. If you are not preserving the folders structure, eliminate duplicate references. Under Tools, there is a Find Duplicates search.