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ENC 1101 - Professor Bennett

Develop a Search Strategy

To effectively search the library catalog or databases for relevant information, it is important to develop a search strategy

 Topic Research Question


1. Topic: If allowed by your professor, choose a topic that interests you.  

Topic: Smoking

2. After choosing a topic, the next step is to develop a research question. 

Research Question:  How does exposure to smokers affect children

3. A research question will help you identify keywords. What is a keyword? A keyword is a specific term which describes an event, person or place. Keywords help you find information in a catalog or database. 

Keywords: smokers, children

4. Once you have selected a keyword or keywords, brainstorm to identify synonyms and related terms.  

Related Terms:     {smokers} = cigarettes, smoking, secondhand smoke    

{children} = child, kids,  adolescents