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EAP 1540C, EAP 1640C, & ENC1101 - Prof. Forbes

Describes essay requirements and provides links to research sources.

Library Resources


You will write an extended definition essay about poverty. With this in mind, you should include information from some of the following sources. 

Listen to, watch, and read the following among other resources such as a reliable dictionary or encyclopedia: 

1. Poverty in America: Living on the Edge (There are 3 parts to this podcast - audio) 

2. Poverty in the United States: 2021  

3. Introduction to Income & Poverty in the United States  

4. What is Poverty? Jo Goodwin Parker (read) 

5. What is Poverty? Jo Goodwin Parker (read) 

6. The Pursuit of Happyness trailer (YouTube)  

The above is simply a trailer. Please watch the 2-hour movie if you have Netflix or other movie account.  

7. Poor People’s Campaign 

8. A New Poor People’s Campaign…  

9. Poverty Estimates, Trends and Analysis 

10. The Poverty Paradox: Understanding Economic Hardship Amid American Prosperity, by Mark Rank