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ALT041 Library Resources and Services

BC Libraries Logo- Learn how you can integrate library resources, tools, and services into your online courses.

D2L Library Research Menu

The library research menu should be found in your course shell. Feel free to reach out to your campus librarian to get more help with the library research menu.

Library research menu screenshot in D2L

Articles and eBooks

Find library materials, such as articles and eBooks, and share the permalinks with students.  

Before adding library eBooks to your course shell, please use the form below to verify that the eBook you want to adopt has the necessary access permissions.

Faculty Librarians

Campus faculty librarians can be embedded in your course shells, facilitate a library orientation or instruction, and do one-on-one student research appointments. Learn more information about these instructional services.

Library Video Tutorials

Embed any of these 3-5 minute video tutorials created by the BC Librarians. 


For more information, go to the Integrating Library Resources in D2L Courses page or contact your campus librarian.