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EDF 3610 - Prof. Donna Herzek

A study of the multicultural dimensions of American society and their impact on the educational process. International dimensions of curriculum are examined.

Why Journal Articles?

When doing research, it is very important to use authoritative sources to support your topic. Journal articles make excellent references because they are generally evidence-based and written by experts in the field. The articles can be found by using the library databases that are appropriate for your topic.

Magazines, Newspapers, Trade Journals & Academic Journals




Magazines are written for the general public. They feature lots of pictures and advertisements. The authors of the articles are often staff writers. The content includes information on current events, entertainment and special features.


Information in newspapers is targeted toward the general public. Newspapers usually feature black and white print and photographs. The articles are written by journalists and staff writers. The articles discuss news events and special features.

Trade Journal

Trade journals contain information for professionals within a specific industry. Usually staff writers or industry professionals write the articles. They feature color photographs and industry specific advertisements. The articles discuss news and special features related to a specific industry.

Academic Journal

Researchers and scholars are the main audience for academic journals. They do not feature pictures or advertisements. Research articles make-up the content. They are written by researchers/scholars of a particular profession or discipline.