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Equal Pay

About Equal Pay

Supporters listen as U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the Women's Leadership ForumWage discrimination occurs when workers performing similar jobs do not receive equal pay. While the issue is most often discussed on the basis of sex or gender, wage discrimination is also believed to occur due to other factors including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and the presence of a disability that does not affect the employee’s job performance. In the United States, wage discrimination is prohibited by multiple federal statutes, including the Equal Pay Act (1963), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967), and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990).  (Opposing Viewpoints)

Narrow the Topic

  • Are salaries equal for men and women who hold jobs of equal standing and skill requirements?
  • Do people of color receive less pay than their Caucasian counterparts?
  • Are older adults in the workforce receiving equal pay as their younger counterparts?
  • What is the Equal Pay Act of 1963?
  • Does Affirmative Action guarantee pay equity?
  • Is the gender pay gap shrinking for the younger generation?
  • Are there certain professions where wage inequality is justifiable?