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Affirmative Action

About Affirmative Action

Affirmative action protester photograph


Affirmative action refers to policies and practices designed to mitigate discrimination and expand opportunities for members of historically underrepresented groups, such as people of color and women, particularly in education, employment, and housing. Such policies are intentional responses to systemic inequities that have blocked access to academic institutions, professional opportunities, and the accumulation of financial wealth for many Americans. Furthermore, proponents of affirmative action contend it is necessary to rectify past injustices such as racial slavery, the displacement of Native Americans, coverture laws (laws that gave men legal status over women, including possession of money and property, after marriage), and persistent social inequalities. (Opposing Viewpoints)

Narrow the Topic

  • Can the Supreme Court end affirmative action?
  • Does affirmative action promote equality in the workplace or in education?
  • Should a company hire you based on your qualifications or based on affirmative action policy?
  • What is the future of affirmative action?
  • Discuss the Supreme Court and reverse discrimination.
  • How can socio-economic affirmative action be achieved?
  • Is affirmative action reverse discrimination?
  • How long should affirmative action laws be in effect?